Short Attention Span Theater
Sequential art in a wide range of genres and styles. Fancy!
Sequential art in a wide range of genres and styles. Fancy!
We've dropped a vampire into medieval Japan, risked a glance at Medusa, put werewolves in the boardroom, raised zombie bread, killed ourselves in a haunted house, threatened all humanity with weaponized curiosity, told the origin story of the Red Shirts, and lots more over the years using a variety of mediums.
"Powered By The Science of Imagination"
Our format may change, but our desire to create original, quality stories almost never does. That's our promise to you.
Mark Gonyea: Born in northern New York seven years before I saw Star Wars for the first time. While spending the better portion of my early life watching TV, going to movies and playing video games, little did I realize this was to be the essential ground work for a career in cartooning and graphic design. https://markgonyea.com/
Sam Girdich: Born a short shambling distance from Monroeville Mall seven years before I saw Star Wars for the first time. While spending the better portion of my early life reading, going to movies, playing sports, and sucking at video games, little did I realize this was to be the essential ground work for the love of storytelling and historical research. https://www.samgirdich.com/
If you don't catch us at a Northeast con, we have many works on Mark's Etsy store. Lots to enjoy there. Like words? Visit my blog. Someone once described it as a, "salad bar for the mind." That works for me. Our Facebook page is great for deep dives into our past work, updates, or just to let Zuckerberg know you still care.
Etsy Store: LINK
Lab Work blog: LINK